Since the beginning of the war in the Ukraine, many people who had to leave the Ukraine for fear of their lives are fleeing to Western Europe or to the neighboring country of Moldova. They are often on foot and have only a few private belongings with them. Due to the existing compulsory military service for men between 18 and 55 years, often only women with children or elderly people come. Both of these extremely vulnerable groups need immediate assistance.
UNITED TEAMS – the Strategic Alliance of the YOU Foundation (Germany) and HOPE’87 (Austria) will support in cooperation with the local HOPE’87-Moldova/ Speranza 87 and the National Commission for UNESCO of the Republic of Moldova 6,500 refugees, providing food, medicine and medical treatment, infant supplies, daily necessities such as clothing, sanitary products, phone value cards, internet access and school supplies, temporary shelter as well as transport services to the women, children and elderly people in need.
Stay tuned for further updates!