Extension of the technical training centre and workshopfor motorbike mechanics
Burkina Faso lacks sufficient opportunities for vocational education and professional training in many of the key economic sectors. Several years ago, HOPE’87 established a technical and vocational training centre in the rural community of Komki-Ipala, where more than a hundred girls and boys have already received various job trainings in agricultural and non-agricultural courses.
During the first part of the project, the Nabelin Training Centre was renovated and newly equipped. Subsequently, 30 mechanics were trained. The trainees were chosen from young foremen and apprentice mechanics in the two rural districts of Tanghin-Dassouri and Komki-Ipala.
With support of the German automobile producer “Volkswagen” (VW), the workshop for motorbike mechanics – an expanding economic sector in Burkina Faso – was established and professionalised. The workshop received the necessary equipment to train up to 45 young people (boys and girls) per year as motorbike mechanics. This training has created employment opportunities for the youth, which in turn enables them to receive a regular income and sustain themselves and their families.
The training centre benefited from the technical and financial support of the national FAFPA (Fonds d’Appui à la Formation Professionnelle et à l’Apprentissage), whilst the project as a whole was supported by the YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need and the Volkswagen Corporation.
Project Type
Development Project, Education
Project Duration
31/10/2015 to 30/11/2016
Burkina Faso
Région du Centre, Rural Community of Komki-Ipala
FAFPA (Fonds Appui á la Formation Professionelle et á l´Apprentissage), YOU Foundation - Education for Children in Need