The aim of this project is to economically empower 600 extremely poor women in the Buganda community in the province of Cibitoke in order to improve their living conditions.
The project takes a holistic approach by addressing target groups, social protection, capacity building, support for income-generating activities, business plans and savings measures.
Through the project, the women beneficiaries of the project will get sufficient knowledge of community life to manage their groups as well as of social cohesion to ensure good and peaceful coexistence and they will be able to save money and obtain loans from financial institutions in order to become self-reliant and more resilient and use the kits received to start their income-generating activities.

Project Type

Business and other services, Health

Project Duration

01/05/2024 to 30/04/2025






Cibitoke province, community of Buganda


YOU Foundation - Education for Children in Need, HOPE'87