HOPE´87 has been active in the Kyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan since 2002, following the influx of Afghan refugees in 2001/2002. At the centre of action of this project were out of school children with special needs and vulnerabilities. 

The action intended to expand access for over 3,900 children that were out of school to a flexible range of learning opportunities. Improved learning environments were being installed. Further results were lower drop-out rates and improving literacy and numeracy of more than 8,000 children. The number and effectiveness of 400 teachers was strengthened. Communities were motivated to pursue local solutions for girls’ education.

Building a society in which girls and women have greater opportunities and access involves not only working with them, but also with boys and men. This was done through actively engaging Village Education Committees, elders, religious leaders and community opinion formers (particularly men) to gain their support.

A further aim was to improve school and teaching qualities and promoting school environments with a positive effect on boys and girls regarding their attitude towards tolerance, social equity and respect.

To support the sustainability and expansion of these models beyond the project life span proven models for systemic uptake of best practices with validated methods were installed. By the end of the action the government largely took over this project through the Elementary Education Foundation (EEF).

Project Type

Development Project, Education

Project Duration

01/06/2016 to 31/12/2017






Kyber Pakhtunkhwa
