This renovation project began in January 2014 after the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Joal and HOPE’87-Senegal. The project focused on the full reconstruction of roofs, windows and doors, the painting of the outside walls, as well as the complete restauration of the waiting rooms of the paediatric clinic in Joal.
Alongside these renovation measures, the Foundation UNESCO – Education for Children in Need supported the renewal of medical equipment in order to fulfil medical and technical standards.
After completion of all restoration works, the President of the Foundation UNESCO – Education for Children in Need, H.E. UNESCO Special Ambassador Dr Ute H. Ohoven paid a visit to the clinic in June 2014 expressing her personal support to the medical and operational staff.
Project Type
Development Project, Health
Project Duration
01/11/2013 to 31/10/2015
Foundation UNESCO, HOPE'87