Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable people in Western Africa to cope with various crises and their consequences (Phase II)
The RECOUVRER II consortium project is a consolidation phase of RECOUVRER I and is being implemented for a period of 26 months by seven Austrian aid organisations (Caritas Austria, HOPE’87, Horizont3000, ICEP, Jugend eine Welt, Light for the World, Austrian Red Cross) together with their partner organisations in Burkina Faso and Senegal.
The programme aims to strengthen the resilience of particularly vulnerable population groups in Burkina Faso and Senegal by focusing on strengthening agricultural production, nutrition, the fight against food insecurity and gender-based violence as well as on the creation of added value in the context of climate change. Based on the triple nexus approach, this new programme phase integrates both short-term and long-term measures to promote resilience with a focus on gender, intersectionality and conflict and peace sensitivity.
The worsening of climatic conditions combined with the devastating effects of the conflict situation (the Casamancaise rebellion) led to a deterioration of productive water-soil-forest capital, a reduction in production and income, food and nutritional insecurity and an overall damage regarding the living conditions of rural populations who are now increasingly looking for alternatives in order to make a living. This vulnerability to climate change in the agricultural sector results from the combination of two phenomena: the increase in temperature and the decrease in rainfall.
Therefore, this HOPE’87-Senegal sub-project aims to increase the income of vulnerable households through improved agricultural productivity in the context of climate change, to contribute to an agricultural production that is more closely linked to the targeted demand and to provide better access to financial services. The strategy is based on the integration of the climate change dimension in the formulation and programming of development policies, taking into account other priorities such as human and animal health, the fight against poverty and malnutrition, the promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency as well as gender concepts and the inclusion of people with disabilities.
The completion of this project will therefore significantly reduce food and nutritional insecurity through better knowledge of adaptation strategies to the effects of climate change and will provide access to ecological inputs and to climate information for a more efficient processing of agricultural products. It will also promote the involvement of women in decision-making bodies and increase the income of producers. In addition, the project raises awareness of climate change among the population and of adaptation strategies of producers in a context of food and nutritional insecurity and puts in place plans for disaster mitigation and population resilience through community talks at school level.
Project Type
Project Duration
01/11 2023 to 31/12 2025
Kolda, Mampatim
HOPE'87, the Red Cross, Light for the World, Horizont3000, Jugend Eine Welt, ICEP, CARITAS Austria