The project “Kids of Baraka let’s dance”, which was supported by the YOU Foundation – Education for Children in, has started in the Cité Baraka with the aim to enable children to positively express their emotions, stimulate their creativity and channel their energies through dancing. This project was in line with the 3ndSustainable Development Goal (SDG 3 – good health and well-being) as it contributes to empowering people to live healthy lives and promotes well-being among the kids and their families in Baraka.

The activities of this project were implemented in partnership with the “Dance Hall”, an urban dance centre in Dakar dedicated to amateurs, which is open to children, teenagers and adults. As part of the activities, the “Dance Hall” team travels to Baraka’s elementary school playground to teach choreography and dance to children aged 7 to 16 years. They were divided into 3 groups of 15 children each, which made up a total of 45 children who are taking part in dance activities twice a week for 1 hour per session. This dancing activity complemented the school activities of the children, and the “Dance Hall” team always encouraged the children to strive at school.

Project Type

Education, Health

Project Duration

01/01 to 31/12 2023






Baraka, Liberté VI, Dakar


YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need, HOPE'87