The project for the improvement of the quality of education in preschool childcare facilities was supported by the Foundation UNESCO-Education for Children in Need. The overall aim of the project was to improve the quality of preschool education for children with special needs, children with tuberculosis and children in difficult situations. The project’s purpose was primarily to create favourable settings for leisure, physical education and development of these children by providing playgrounds and playroom equipment. The project was planned to promote better emotional and psychological conditions for the children to enhance their speedy recovery and to improve the quality of treatment. Another goal was to strengthen the interpersonal relationships of these children in educational settings, to foster tolerance, mutual responsibility and respect. Most of the project’s beneficiaries come from socially vulnerable, one-parent families or families with many children, all of whom live below the poverty level.

In order to realise the project’s goals the following activities were implemented: types of playgrounds and their profiles were identified, following consultations with experts from the Ministry of Education and school principals, negotiations with the Ministry of Education and the Chisinau municipal government were being held to have the space for playgrounds in selected kindergartens prepared, the contractor for implementing the scope of work was selected and children’s’ playgrounds were installed in four kindergartens in Chisinau. These playgrounds were included in the inventory of the relevant kindergartens to ensure future maintenance.

Project Type

Development Project, Education

Project Duration

13/03/2014 to 01/01/2015








Foundation UNESCO – Education for Children in Need, HOPE'87