Thanks to the financing from the City of Vienna, two programmes were implemented that enabled young women with difficult family backgrounds, orphans and daughters of war victims to get involved in the socio-economic life of society and to be integrated in the labour market by improving their skills.
The first project successfully provided 90 female trainees with basic computer skills demanded by the labour market, such as Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop and Web design.
In the second project, another 90 young women received the opportunity to take special training in video production techniques combined with English language courses, with the aim of finding a job in the advertising and marketing business.
Project Background:
Since 2006, HOPE’87 together with its cooperation partners ADA, UNESCO, JICA, OFID and the Ministries of Health of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and of the Republic of Serbia has established an almost nationwide network of pain management and medical care for people with special needs. This network of pain relief and pain management benefits people with disabilities, especially war and mine, as well as chronic pain patients. Furthermore, initial and further training of more than 600 physicians and health care professionals was provided.
Project Type
Development Project, Education
Project Duration
01/01/2008 to 31/08/2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina
City of Vienna, HOPE'87