The preschool facility “Creche Comunitária Amigos – Santos“ is a day care centre, hosting around 150 children from poor families. The project supports the improvement of educational programmes, with a special focus on early childhood coordination and motor skills as well as the improvement of pedagogical material for all activities of the institution and the training of social workers. All this takes place in a COVID-19 protective environment.

The programme for the development of coordination and motor skills was a welcome improvement for the children’s possibilities of physical activities. Therefore, an additional space has been adapted in the nearby sports hall, which has been renovated and used for additional educational programmes for the 4 to 6-year-old children of the favela Moro Sao Bento, Santos. The Non-Violence Project Foundation as programme partner further trained and certified the teachers and coaches of the “Creche Comunitária Amigos” in a special programme to enhance the participants “life-skills”, e.g. to develop self-esteem, control their emotions and learn communication skills and conflict management.

Based on the programme’s activities, special courses for the programme educators were set up in the field of social inclusion, which will be implemented by educators of the University of Sao Paulo, USP. These activities at the “Creche Comunitária Amigos” will continue even after the programme implementation of HOPE’87 Brazil, which takes place in cooperation with the YOU Foundation of the UNESCO Special Ambassador Dr Ute Hernriette Ohoven.

Project Type


Project Duration

15/06/2021 to 31/05/2022






Santos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need, HOPE'87