With a goal to strengthen the capacity of youth and youth organizations, the following workshops were organized by HOPE’87-Bangladesh:

“Divisional Workshop on Review of the National Youth Policy”: held in the Barisal Division in cooperation with the Department of Youth Development: this workshop gave special attention to the review of the National Youth Policy of Bangladesh which was endorsed in 2003. 45 representatives from different youth organisations attended the event.

“National Advocacy Workshop for Youth Leaders”: in cooperation with the Commonwealth Youth Programme, CYP Asia Centre, HOPE’87 arranged a 3 days workshop held at Sheikh Hasina National Youth Centre in Savar. An in-depth training with case-study presentation of different techniques of advocacy were offered. Experiences from the training and best practices of the Commonwealth countries were also shared with the participants

“Town Hall Meeting at UNV”: on the occasion of the International Year of Volunteers HOPE’87 organised, in cooperation with the National Youth Council of Bangladesh UNV Program, a day long town hall meeting at the UN Conference Room in Dhaka for volunteers having a strong commitment to make a real difference to development.

In this respect, HOPE’87 assisted in the meeting and development of a network to strengthen the capacity of voluntary organisations. The meeting prepared a list of recommendations regarding the necessity to develop and approve the “National Policy on Voluntarism” and to establish a National Volunteer Agency to coordinate and empower voluntary work countrywide. This recommendation was forwarded to the government for action.

Project Type

Development Project, Other social infrastructure and services

Project Duration







