This project, which was co-funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation, was part of the programme “Rehabilitation and Social Integration for the Youth in BiH”. The project aim was to enhance capacities of the medical personnel of both the Community Based Rehabilitation Centres and the Community Mental Health Centres through an inclusive process of assessing needs for education, developing trainings, experts delivering the trainings, monitoring and evaluation.

Through the delivery of specific training modules, the medical professionals working in the Community Based Rehabilitation Centres and the Community Mental Health Centres obtained international recognized techniques of physical and mental rehabilitation of patients. Furthermore, the flow of information between the Community Based Rehabilitation Centres and the Community Mental Health Centres was encouraged to ensure the transfer of knowledge to all Community Based Rehabilitation Centres and the Community Mental Health Centres staff members.

The implementation of the project was done in close and efficient cooperation with the national Ministries of Health and is in line with the National Health Policy.

Project Background: 

Since 2006, HOPE’87 together with its cooperation partners ADA, UNESCO, JICA, OFID and the Ministries of Health of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and of the Republic of Serbia has established an almost nationwide network of pain management and medical care for people with special needs. This network of pain relief and pain management benefits people with disabilities, especially war and mine, as well as chronic pain patients. Furthermore, initial and further training of more than 600 physicians and health care professionals is provided.

Project Type

Development Project, Health

Project Duration

01/05/2013 to 30/04/2014




Bosnia and Herzegovina




Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), HOPE'87