The overall program “Construction of the Cité Baraka” was set up by the YOU Foundation-Education for Children in Need in cooperation with the worldwide construction company ORASCOM. The main objective was to transform “Baraka”, a slum area in the district Liberté VI in Dakar and home to about 1,600 inhabitants, into a modern quarter with a functioning infrastructure, newly built 210 apartments, market place, primary school, health center and income generating activities.

In order to display the whole developmental processes in a transparent way and to inform tenants as well as donors alike about the planned activities, the “Baraka Blog” was created and can be accessed via the following link:

Project Background: 

There are many climatic and poverty issues given in Senegal, a Sahelian country. There have been a lot of improvements in regard to the political and economic situation identifiable. However, it should be clearly stated that Senegal still fell from 163rd to 170th position in the Human Development INDEX reported by UNDP (2014). A main initiative of HOPE`87 is to raise awareness towards the poor living conditions of the poorest population in Senegal. The central objective of HOPE`87 is to support Senegal in raising its development process. Baraka is a slum district in the capital of Dakar. A main objective of HOPE`87 is to transform Baraka into a modern district where training facilities and new possibilities for employment are given.

Project Type

Development Project, Education

Project Duration

01/02/2016 to 30/11/2017






Dakar, Liberté VI "Baraka"


YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need, HOPE’87