With the support of the Austrian association “Barmherzigkeit e.V.” two projects were financed in the rural communities of Tanghin Dassouri and Komki-Ipala.
The alphabetisation project allowed 240 persons, including 180 young women and 60 young men, to receive training in reading, writing and basic management techniques. They also received simplified tools in the local language, such as agricultural production and planning charts, account books and balance and inventory sheet.
The bilingual education project “French and Mooré (national language)” targeted children between the ages of 10 to 16 years who do not have access to proper education. The objective of the project was to give a second chance to those who left the modern school system at an early age without getting a sufficient education. Twenty children in the rural community of Komki-Ipala participated in this training and received stationary, school clothes as well as a hot meals every day from the canteen throughout their training.
Project Type
Development Project, Education
Project Duration
01/04/2013 to 01/12/2014
Burkina Faso
Région du Centre, Kadiogo Province, Rural District of Komki-Ipala
Barmherzigkeit e.V.