The drinking water access project is being implemented in the village of Dabacounda in the Bassé region, Republic of The Gambia. This village is in the east of the country on the left bank of the Gambia River with a population of 622 inhabitants, including 332 women or 53.37% of the population living mainly from rainfed agriculture (data from the Bassé district of November 2023).

Dabacounda was facing a crucial problem of access to drinking water. The only well in the village dries up especially from the month of April and exposes the population especially children under 10 years old to waterborne diseases which manifest themselves by diarrhea and vomiting (data from the Dabacounda health structure).

It is in these conditions that the project in collaboration with the technical services of Gambia deemed it necessary with the support of the YOU Foundation to intervene with the populations of Dabacounda to improve their access to drinking water and the water treatment mechanism and facilitate the fight against waterborne diseases such as diarrhea.

This project supports the State of Gambia in achieving SDG 6: “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all” and is thus in line with the mission of the YOU Foundation in Africa.

Project Type

Water and sanitation

Project Duration

01/07/2024 to 30/06/2025








YOU Foundation – Education for Children in Need, HOPE'87