This project, which is supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport involves the municipalities of Mampatim and Medina Cherif, which are faced with a lack of adequate community sports infrastructure and capacity building of actors in the field of sport. The resulting lack of organisation of sporting events has greatly slowed down development in the region. This project thus pursues the goal to establish a framework for exchanges between stakeholders working in the field of sport, to acquire new technical knowledge in the supervision and refereeing of sports competitions and to improve the conditions for learning and practicing sport in the two municipalities.

Throughout the project, a multi-functional sport field has been constructed and training modules have familiarised sports players with international rules and sports methodology. Sensitisation measures present sport as a means of ensuring social cohesion and peaceful coexistence between the two ethnic groups living in the area, which are the Peul (Fulbe) and the Mandingue (Mandinka). On a social level, the project thus provides a means of effective communication and exchange through days of social mobilisations on social cohesion and peace between the different ethnicities. This mobilisation and awareness of supporters on the notions of non-violence in sport and fair play between the different layers of young people promotes the integration of young people in their territories. This is accompanied by the organisation of sporting events such as a football, handball and basketball tournament.

Through this project, HOPE’87-Senegal contributes to the achievement of SDG 9 by establishing quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and cross-border infrastructure and to promote economic and human well-being with emphasis on universal access at an affordable cost and under conditions of equity.

Project Type

Other social infrastructure and services

Project Duration

01/12 2023 to 30/11 2024






Mampatim, Casamance


Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport, HOPE'87