Within the framework of the project “Support to Ukrainian refugees, mainly women, boys and girls in the Republic of Moldova” funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), two photo exhibitions were recently opened. One in the refugee centre “Parthia-Lukoil” in Chisinau and one in the distribution centre in Balti.
Serghei Mardarii, a well-known photographer, shows with his photos of children and refugees the fates of the people who had to leave their Ukrainian homeland, their hardships, but also their joy about the support given to them by the ADA project.
All the photos were taken by Serghei together with the people concerned and the Ukrainian diaspora, who all took great pleasure in organising the exhibitions and hanging the pictures themselves. “These photos give us courage and confidence to go on living,” said an elderly Ukrainian woman at the opening of the exhibition….
Click at the links below to see two news reports about the photo exhibition!